Export Knowhow

So that the dream of internationalization doesn't turn into a nightmare

Other markets - different rules. Anyone wanting to internationalize their company needs patience and the right know-how. What are the important aspects?

City lights of a busy street

First steps

Once a company has established itself in its national market, it often starts to want to expand beyond its country's borders. The international markets offer great opportunities. But where do you begin preparing?
The advice from our expert is to first clarify the following points:

  • Is there a market and customer need in the targeted markets?
  • Is local insurance coverage necessary?
  • How are liability issues handled in the respective country?
  • What cultural aspects must be taken into account? Do you have a local contact person who knows the culture and peculiarities of the country and can guarantee the quality assurance?

Opportunities in Asian export markets

Often heard and often read: The Asian export markets are booming. Whether in Chinese factories, transportation or the healthcare system – Swiss goods are in demand. But it's not only the goods that have to be right – the personal relationship must be too. It is therefore very important to familiarize yourself with the local customs and practices before entering the market.

Big, bigger – India

Both the country and the markets of India are huge. Small niches often become mass markets. Companies that want to take advantage of these opportunities and establish themselves must be very persevering, both in terms of their staffing and their finances. Because the market is very competitive.
Experts confirm that you should prepare for a possible market entry into Asia with care. Go to our expert interview (in German).

Ready for the start of your export business

In the export business, certain rules apply. There's no need to reinvent the wheel because many Swiss SMEs have already successfully completed the step toward internationalization. Therefore the right thing to do is to learn from them and take account of their experiences in your plans to internationalize. For everyone who is already successfully doing business in this country, here's a helpful checklist on starting to export.

Exporting from A to Z

On the road to internationalization, the following applies: Learn, learn, learn, develop expertise about the export business, and know precisely when and where which of your company's strengths are in demand. Find out more in the export glossary.

From the idea to international success

What started small can suddenly grow at a frightening pace. It is crucial not to lose the overview. Here are a few success stories (in German) of companies that have already mastered the step toward internationalization. Let yourself be inspired.


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