BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 X-WR-TIMEZONE:Europe/Zurich X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P1W BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Europe/Zurich X-LIC-LOCATION:Europe/Zurich BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZNAME:CEST TZOFFSETFROM:+0100 TZOFFSETTO:+0200 DTSTART:20210328T010000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZNAME:CEST TZOFFSETFROM:+0100 TZOFFSETTO:+0200 DTSTART:20220327T010000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZNAME:CET TZOFFSETFROM:+0200 TZOFFSETTO:+0100 DTSTART:20211031T010000 END:STANDARD BEGIN:STANDARD TZNAME:CET TZOFFSETFROM:+0200 TZOFFSETTO:+0100 DTSTART:20221030T010000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT UID:05efc0fb7d8ee270f192aa206764e6bd DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Zurich:20211117T090000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE DTEND;TZID=Europe/Zurich:20211117T100000 LOCATION:Online SUMMARY:Webinar: Entering South Korea & Australia’s Medtech and Digital h ealth markets CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Our webinar reveals how Swiss companies can enter the digital h ealth\nand medtech markets in Australia and South Korea. Discover emerging \nopportunities. You will receive your login details for the webinar by\ne mail one day before the webinar at 2pm (CET) and again on the day of\nthe webinar at 8am (CET).\n outh-korea-australias-medtech-and-digital-health-markets-medt2 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:Our webinar reveals how Swiss companies can en ter the digital health and medtech markets in Australia and South Korea. D iscover emerging opportunities.\n\nYou will receive your login details for the webinar by email one day before the webinar at 2pm (CET) and again on the day of the webinar at 8am (CET).\n\n -korea-australias-medtech-and-digital-health-markets-medt2 DTSTAMP:20240426T074258Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR