Fact Sheet

Recent Developments and Key Players in the Russian Waste Management Market

As one of the world's largest economies, Russia is a major producer of waste. While the disposable income of Russian households increased in the 2000s, so did also consumption. This led to a sharp increase in waste volumes and great opportunities for Swiss SMEs.

waste management

Recycling methods have not existed in Russia for a long time. Landfilling the waste was the only solution for waste disposal, but after 2000 they increasingly reached their capacity limits. Many landfills were very poorly equipped and this led to a number of challenges. The local population suffered from odor nuisance, pollution of groundwater and release of toxic gases. But so did the environment.

Fact Sheet topics:

  • Russia's ambitious national goal by 2030 is to sort 100% of waste and reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills by 50%
  • Role of the Russian Environmental Operator
  • Role of the Regional Operators for Waste Management

Official program