Industry Report

A comprehensive manual for entering the medtech sector in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and Poland

This report outlines new business opportunities in the growing medtech sector in the V4 countries

The medtech sector is one of the fastest growing and most innovative in Central Europe. In the V4 countries, healthcare spending is increasing due to various reform and modernization efforts opening business opportunities for Swiss medtech SMEs.

medical equipment

The aim of this report is to present the Czech, Slovak, Hungarian & Polish medtech markets.

Scope of the medtech report

It consists of an executive summary, a market overview, 4 country sections & concluding remarks. Each country chapter provides an insight into: medical infrastructure; production & imports/exports of devices; business opportunities; relations with Switzerland; digitisation & e-health; the impact of COVID; the dental sector; main companies; major fairs & events; and medical education.

Opportunities for Swiss companies in the medtech sector in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and Poland

The level of import of medical devices keeps on growing as the procurement needs of both public and private sectors are substantial. On one hand, the public healthcare systems need to modernize their equipment in many fields. On the other, the rapidly growing private sector generates an important demand for medtech investments. The largest opportunities for Swiss companies are in innovative health therapies, dental care, and solutions for increasing efficiency & reducing occupancy rates.
Read more in the report below to learn how to navigate the medtech market in the V4 countries.

Individual Consultation

Are you interested in the medtech markets of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and Poland? Contact our consultant for these countries in order to discuss the potential of your products and services in this region.



The medtech market in Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia & Hungary (08/2023)

