Industry Report

Net zero: impacts on South Africa’s investment landscape

Navigate South Africa's transition to net zero to unlock business opportunities

Explore the factsheet and report on South Africa's net zero transition, revealing a dynamic, evolving investment landscape, and unearthing Cleantech and infrastructure opportunities for Swiss SMEs.

a Building in Cape town with a sunset

Global, African, and South African perspectives of decarbonization

The 'net zero' concept, denoting the balance between greenhouse gas emissions produced and absorbed, is central in climate change strategies worldwide. From the Paris Agreement to the African Union Commission Green Recovery Action Plan and South Africa's Nationally Determined Contribution Plan, net zero is influencing policies, investments, and initiatives globally and across Africa.

Opportunities and challenges related to the net zero strategy in South Africa

The drive towards net zero is unveiling significant opportunities, particularly in South Africa's Cleantech and Infrastructure sectors. It also presents financial challenges, calling for innovative financing strategies.

Swiss Business Hub Southern Africa's role 

Swiss SMEs can seize the opportunities arising from these developments with the comprehensive support of the Swiss Business Hub Southern Africa (SBHSA). Offering tailored services such as market analysis, legal advice, partner search, and facilitating fact-finding missions, the SBHSA aids Swiss companies to navigate and thrive in the region's net zero economy.

Individual Consultation

Are you interested in the South Africa cleantech market? Contact our consultant for this country in order to discuss the potential of your products and services in this region.


Net Zero: Impacts on South Africa’s Investment Landscape (07/2023)

