Fact Sheet

The fintech sector in the United Arab Emirates

Overview of the market

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has a strong digital infrastructure, government-supported incubators, a young and tech-savvy population, and a large number of cross-border payments. As a result, the market features many opportunities for Swiss and Liechtenstein fintech companies.

city skyline uae

UAE market development

Contrary to the global trend, the UAE fintech market is growing and received 92% more investment in 2023. By 2028, its transaction value is set to double, reaching USD 80 billion. This surge is attributed to numerous factors, including the UAE's strategic geographic location, growing local demand for fintech solutions, and its attractiveness to foreign direct investment. Another key driver of this growth has been the UAE government's proactive approach in introducing innovation-friendly policies, such as the establishment of regulatory bodies and the issuance of digital banking licenses.

Opportunities in the fintech industry

The rise of sustainable finance is a key focus for fintech companies. The green finance sector represents a significant opportunity. Fintech and innovative companies can seize this opportunity by proactively adopting initiatives related to environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors.

Although the market for cross border payments is already being targeted by various players, the demand for fintech services related to cross-border payments is expected to remain robust given the UAE's significant global remittance market and Dubai's continued attractiveness as an international trade hub.

Accelerators & incubators receive strong support from the UAE authorities, making them attractive locations for fintech start-ups to benefit from modern infrastructure, business services and a supportive ecosystem.

Read our report below to learn more about the UAE fintech market and related business opportunities for Swiss fintech companies and startups.

Individual Consultation

Are you interested in the UAE fintech market? Contact our consultant for this country in order to discuss the potential of your products and services in this region.


The fintech sector in the UAE: Overview of the market

