Navigating the Tracks: Opportunities in the Korean Railway Industry

Navigating the Tracks: Opportunities in the Korean Railway Industry

Ne manquez pas ce webinaire exclusif sur l’industrie ferroviaire coréenne, ses principaux acteurs et son évolution au cours de l’histoire. Aujourd’hui la Corée est un acteur majeur qui a mis en place un réseau à grande vitesse. Ce webinaire présentera les grands projets en cours, des partenariats, ainsi que les défis du marché pour les entreprises suisses. Découvrez des opportunités estimées à 3,5 milliards de dollars au cours des cinq prochaines année!

L’industrie du rail coréenne peut se targuer d’une riche histoire qui remonte à 1899. Malgré certains revers, dus notamment à la guerre de Corée en 1950, les efforts du gouvernement, appuyé par les Etats-Unis, ont permis de reconstruire le réseau. Une autre étape importante a été franchie en 2004 avec l’introduction des trains à grande vitesse, qui a été un véritable catalyseur pour le développement du marché. Aujourd’hui, l’industrie mise sur le développement technologique en s’appuyant sur des établissements comme le Korea Railroad Research Institute et Hyundai-Rotem. Avec des besoins en matériel roulant estimés à 3,5 milliards USD au cours des cinq prochaines années, le marché ferroviaire coréen présente des opportunités prometteuses pour les sociétés suisses.

Une entreprise ferroviaire suisse partagera son expérience et ses enseignements sur le marché ferroviaire coréen. Réservez votre place dès maintenant !

Organisé avec Swissrail, ce webinaire en anglais sera enregistré et mis à la disposition de tous les participants. En vous inscrivant à l'événement, vous acceptez que la session soit enregistrée.

Inscription et programme complet sur la page anglaise



iCal Téléchargement
Public cible PME suisses et du Liechtenstein de l’industrie ferroviaire
Organisateur Swiss Business Hub Korea / Switzerland Global Enterprise / Swissrail
Langue de l’événement




Coûts de participation La participation est gratuite.
Délai d’inscription

Partenaires de l'événement

Swissrail Logo Angst + Pfister AG


Jaehong Min

Jaehong MIN

Director / Chief Researcher, Planning and Coordination Division Korea Railroad Research Institute

Jaehong Min joined the Korea Railroad Research Institute in 1997 after completing his master's degree in Urban Engineering at Hanyang University in Seoul. With over 20 years of experience, he has been dedicated to railway and public transportation planning. He has actively participated in numerous national and urban railway planning projects, with his most recent project being the Masterplan of Daejeon Metro Line 2 (tram) and its operational planning, where he served as the project manager.


Drawing upon his extensive experience, Mr. Min possesses a deep understanding of the international railway and public transportation market. He has gained this insight through his involvement in international railway cooperation projects in Southeast Asia, including Vietnam and Nepal, supported by the Korean government. Additionally, he has contributed to the Research in Mobility Committee of the International Public Transport Association (UITP).


Currently, Mr. Min serves as a working committee member of the Metropolitan Transport Commission and an evaluation committee member of the Public Procurement Service for the Government.

Philippe Kirsch

Philippe Kirsch

CEO, Angst+Pfister Switzerland

Philippe joined Angst+Pfister in 1985 as a product application engineer for Sealing Technology in Geneva, which put him in charge of introducing high-performance elastomer gaskets for critical applications in a range of industries. As he gravitated towards  management and business development, he took the lead as profit center leader and then became sales office leader for French-speaking Switzerland. In 2019 he became Business Unit Leader of Angst+Pfister China and then took over the position as the CEO of Angst+Pfister Switzerland in 2020. 


Philippe Kirsch: “Throughout my various positions, I particularly appreciated participating in the international business development with a large range of technical products of high added value. And above all, direct contact with key customers: understanding customer needs and providing specific solutions that fully meet expect.” 


Angst+Pfister is a leading developer, manufacturer and global supplier of sophisticated component and engineering solutions for more than 20’000 OEM customers in a variety of industries. They pursue the path of technical excellence, innovation and creating value to their customers by continuously measuring and improving the efficiency and quality of their products and processes. 


Angst+Pfister is a people-powered ecosystem. Their customers and suppliers are at the core of everything they do. They strive to build qualified relationships and trusted partners and help their customers find the right solution. Integrity creates trust and as an organization, it is their constant choice to infuse every action they take with honesty, fairness, delivering on their commitments, being agile and adaptive to requirements and our environment. 






Programme officiel