
Agritech in Chile

Chile is one of the leading food exporters worldwide. The local Agritech industry provides interesting opportunities for Swiss companies. Interested? Our brochure gives an overview of the Agritech industry and respective opportunities.

Agritech in Chile

Chile’s unique geography being protected by the Andean mountains and the Pacific Ocean as well as its diverse and favorable climates combined with fertile volcanic soil have made it a perfect place to cultivate agricultural products. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that Chile is not only famous for its wine but is a global leader in the export of grapes, blueberries, plumbs and salmon (amongst others). However, in recent years the agriculture sector is more and more affected by climate change, for example extended drought periods.

Swiss Agritech wanted

As a result, Chile has been actively seeking new technologies and innovation to become more sustainable and profitable, improve quality, minimize emissions and protect resources. The Swiss Agritech sector provides these solutions - whether it is drones and robots, product traceability, extension of product life or more efficient use of resources - there’s a big potential for Swiss companies. And the OECD member provides a business-friendly environment with a Free Trade Agreement since 2004 and a very developed infrastructure.

Read more in the brochure and get in contact with Bruno Aloi, Senior consultant South America.

