
Blockchain sector comes to Basel

Hyperledger, a platform to advance blockchain technologies, is hosting this year’s Hyperledger Global Forum at the Congress Center Basel. The event will showcase the potential of different blockchain applications.

Image Credit: Pexels

The Linux Foundation initiated Hyperledger at the end of 2015. The collaboration enables members of different sectors to work together to develop blockchain technologies.  

The Hyperledger Global Forum 2018 is the first event of its kind. It will be held from December 12 to 15 at the Congress Center Basel, according to a statement from the San Francisco-based open source initiative.

The event will cover blockchain technologies from both technical and enterprise standpoints. Also on the agenda will be the potential of different applications for companies and development plans for Hyperledger projects.  There will also be the opportunity for developers to collaborate on projects and for the blockchain community to network.

“For anyone still wrestling with how blockchain will transform businesses processes, and where their industry fits in, this is the perfect opportunity to learn more,” commented Brian Behlendorf, Executive Director of Hyperledger, in the statement.

The Global Forum is open to non-members and members of the Hyperledger initiative alike. The schedule, including keynote speakers, will be published in the summer. 

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