Fact-Finding Mission

Genova-Switzerland-(Rotterdam) Corridor

New possibilities for logistics from the south of Switzerland thanks railway connection from the harbor in Genova per 2022.

Thanks NEAT, the railway construction project of the century, get Switzerland an improved connection from the south. The railway corridor in Italy finished get finished until 2022 and goes to the harbor of Genova. It will simplify resp. accelerate the logistics time for example to/from Asia drastically. This business field trip offers more transparency and talks about this new opportunities for Swiss companies with interest in logistics.

Genova-Switzerland-(Rotterdam) Corridor



Target audience Specialists from export and import oriented and producing companies and logistics companies from Switzerland
Organizer S-GE in co-operation with the Swiss General Consulate and the Swiss Business Hub Italy
Cost of participating 780/*680 CHF (*for S-GE Members) all inclusive from Switzerland
Registration deadline



Official program