
The French government will finance companies' adaptation to global warming

On Thursday February 8, the French government announced that two billion euros in state-guaranteed green loans will help businesses adapt to global warming. These green loans can be used for adaptation - financing, for example, a water reuse circuit, better building insulation or a system for detecting surrounding forest fires - but also for climate change mitigation.

french building

Third national plan of the french government

At an event attended by employers' organizations, trade unions and representatives of the economic sectors most exposed to climate change, the French Ministers of the Economy, Finance, Industrial and Digital Sovereignty and of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion presented the main challenges facing businesses in adapting to climate change, and called on the business community to take part in the work to draw up the 3rd national plan for adapting to climate change.

Initiatives to support innovative projects against climate change

Three government-sponsored initiatives were announced:

  • Creation of state-guaranteed green loans (PVG) to facilitate adaptation and ecological transition investments by businesses;
  • State buildings: all new investments and renovation work must take climate change into account ("adaptation reflex");
  •  All major companies essential to the operation of our energy and transport systems to draw up a global warming adaptation plan to ensure that these vital facilities can withstand extreme heat, flooding, storms and drought.

This is an opportunity to fully grasp the challenges of adaptation, and for Swiss companies to propose innovative solutions to the effects of climate change.

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