Industry Report

How Swiss SMEs can benefit from the energy transition in Germany

Details on funding and investment incentives for property owners, municipalities and companies 

Germany’s energy policy is undergoing a radical shift. The ambitious goals set by the government aim to cut greenhouse gas emissions by at least 65 percent, compared to 1990, by the end of the decade. This opens up business opportunities for Swiss suppliers.

So profitieren Schweizer KMU von der Energiewende in Deutschland

After a brief, pandemic-related alleviation in 2020, the climate goals were once again missed in 2021 and 2022. The war in Ukraine and the energy crisis are further exacerbating the situation because coal-fired power stations are being reactivated.

Germany’s federal government is driving forward the expansion of renewable energies, with an eye to reducing reliance on fossil fuels. The aim is for renewable energies to make up 80 percent of gross electricity consumption by 2030, compared to roughly 45 percent at present. This poses challenges for businesses and the population at large. However, the German government is offering financial resources to create investment incentives and accelerate development. These financial incentives for property owners and investors represent business opportunities in the German market for Swiss companies. 

Our short study highlights opportunities in the following six fields of business:

- Heat pumps

- Photovoltaics

- Emergency power capability

- Energy management

- Smart metering

- Energy sharing

Individual consultation

Want your products and services to help shape Germany’s energy transition? Contact our consultant for the German market to discuss your potential in this region.



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