Saudi Arabia

While becoming more assertive on the international stage, Saudi Arabia remained the largest projects market in the GCC during 2022 ($93.6 billion), recording a total of $54.2 billion worth of contracts awarded, compared to $53.9 billion in 2021. Beyond being the largest economy in the Arab world, accounting for 25% of the Arab GDP, Saudi Arabia is the largest free economic market in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.


According to industry sources, more than 5,200 construction projects are currently ongoing in Saudi Arabia, with a value of USD 819 billion. Saudi Arabia is investing across nearly all economic sectors. The ongoing Saudi giga and megaprojects represent some of the most ambitious development projects under construction around the world today.


Market information

Market information

Are you considering entering the Saudi market? Are you already active in Saudi Arabia and need tips, advice or support with your next steps? Do you have technical or regulatory questions?

In this section we provide you with guides, checklists and background information on doing business in Saudi Arabia - specifically for Swiss SMEs and start-ups.

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Industry Information

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Our database is fed by our global network, tender platforms and a wide range of other sources

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Events + trade fairs

Events and Trade Fairs

Especially for SMEs it is important to feel a new market to really understand its potential fit. Our business trips and events take you to the country and our events - webinars or in-person - in Switzerland allow you to exchange with experts and peers and leverage our network for your growth.


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